Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Well that was a surprise. This was a day where I didn't expect to get much,
if anything, done on the writing and publishing front. Mostly because I think
I've caught my wife's cold, the one that's kept her laid up on the couch for
most of the past week.

I also had a long meeting as part of my day gig, and that ate me up in terms
of my normal writing time.

But then my wife said she'd like to do some drawing, is there anything I can
do to keep her quiet company while she's working on her couple projects she'd
like to work on...

So I did what I'd heard somewhere, I figured I'd put in a couple hundred words,
even just ten minutes or so, check on some formatting and copy-edits, and
then go crash on the couch.

Naturally, instead I put in about five hundred on a story that came out of
nowhere. I did Dean Wesley Smith's route, I didn't have any idea what I
was gonna write until I sat down, and it was not at all the story I was

And then I got Badlands up on Amazon, in both e-book and paperback.

A bit more than I expected, to say the least. Tomorrow, Barnes and Noble for
both, assuming I'm not down for my turn on the couch.

A good day then, I'll take it.

P.S. One of the good parts of writing and focusing on it, yesterday even though
I'd had my eye on the Falcon Heavy launch all day, I didn't even think about
posting my congratulations to SpaceX and all the gang there. So I'm doing that
here, SpaceX crew you rock! And my favorite part is the Don't Panic sign on
the interior of the orbital Tesla, I guess there are a few Douglas Adams fans
here and there...

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.