Friday, August 10, 2018

The weather's unsure of itself. A boundary layer has formed, a three way argument between weather systems, and the space between disturbed, moody. Lightning over the water, clouds on the horizon, and it has, as of yet, not built up the energy to storm down around me. The center of tonight's festivities lies just a bit too far away for us to get any of it.

That's bound to change, though. Tomorrow, the energy and the layers will conspire. Mayhem will spread farther, away and aside and bring in the moisture and the winds and, hopefully, some rain. Every drop a blessing, as my sad little dogwood, this year's planting project, can attest. It's more than a bit tired of all the current heat.

I began a new story today, the start of it was a delightful dive into something new. Which is the best part, except for all the other parts of writing.

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.