I'm... not gonna gripe about the day. Well, except for the bug going around the house, our daughter came home second day after the return from spring break, and sure enough she'd caught something one of the little petrie dishes brought to class. Oh frabjous day, oh joy.
And now my wife's sitting next to me on the couch, reading under a blanket, steady sinking down under the aches, the pains, the incipient fever. I know my time's a comin', I do, I just hold out for, well. A good night's sleep is always nice. Assuming the dogs and the cats will allow me that. And the sick kid and the sick wife, but they're reasonable, up to a point. There's no talking to dog or cat when the family's sick en masse. They have to cuddle and love and make sure we're all safe and sound and properly pinned down under the weight of beasties.
At least the littlest dog seemed to treat last night's settling down period with a little more decorum. Usually, when we head off for bed that's her signal to join battle, at full throat, with the orange nitwit, i.e. our ginger tabby. The two of them have their evening ritual, dog scrambling along at ankle height while the feline takes to the heights, both of them griping and the dog especially sounding off fit to make your ears bleed.
I see that they have fun with the whole thing. I'd just wish the two of them would pick a little bit quieter way to have their fun of an evening. And at bed time no less. Oy.
So far at least I'm fighting off the bug, but I don't hold out much hope for making it all the way through the weekend. One can hope. And go for chocolate, which is what's next on my agenda...
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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.