Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Well ain't that kick in the can.

Sorry, just one of those little things that occasionally come up in this
often random old world. At current, San Angelo, A Short Story of Open Wounds,
is in review at Amazon, for the ebook. It's a bit too short for a paper copy,
so much as I might wish to have a paper copy to put up for sale, I'm also not
much interested, at the moment, in padding it out to the necessary length.

Which just means that there'll likely be a collection in the future.

I'll put up a link here; rather, I'll be building a page for both the San
Angelo short, and the Badlands novella to follow, as I work through all of
the retailers I'm working with, and links galore will be posted as I work
through them.

On a completely different subject... on the writing side of things. While
I'm working on putting stuff up, the real nuts and bolts of my writing life
are the words, the stories. It's just not all that interesting, or at least
repetitive, to say I got 1400 words on "A Lucky Man", and 1300 more words

That being said, I discovered two things about that story today. First was
that about 2700 words was all the story wanted and needed to be. I crashed
headlong into that at about 3/4's of the way through my writing day. That's
when the story basically grabbed me, said "That's it, boyo," and I was all
of a sudden done for the day.

The second thing I learned was that this story is the first of a series of
(at least) short stories called Chronicles of the Luck Man.

Right now, I'm scratching my head over a couple of things. First off, where do
I send a fairly short fantasy story, about a magician, that only has magic
in it if you know to squint your eyes and peek in the corners? (I know that
just means send it out, and if it does slip through the cracks it'll be up
with the rest of my stories under my own banner. I don't mean that I'm
discounting my own publishing side of things. But I do see a real value
to publications like the digests, both as a writer and a reader.
And I'd like to have stories there as well. My point being that I'm in the
middle of the jitters. I think it's a great story, and I can see where it's
going. Will the editors I'm sending it off to feel the same way?)

The other thing I'm scratching my head over is the opening line for another
story in the series (and no, I don't know if it's the next one or not, I just
know that it's in here somewhere; this is the same series that the magician
definition/line I posted a couple days ago came from. I don't know, I'm just
surfing the wave here.):

And it transpired that the Luck Man heard of a land ruled by a god.

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.