An interesting night tonight, but on the music scene. I said a bit ago that the high school band our daughter is in is in the middle of their spring concert/contest season. The last time was solo and ensemble performances by the wind instruments, tonight was the percussion ensemble's turn.
All in all, a lot of fun. They set it up so that we had a general parent/students meeting ahead of time for the general spring doings, and then the percussion ensemble got to strut their stuff. Most everybody left, but one of our daughter's friends is in the percussion, and I spent most of last fall on the pit crew helping set up and tear down for the marching band season, so sitting for the percussion was on our agenda for the evening.
They done good. They closed out the show with this piece (youtube link, 5:80) Jose/beFORe JOHN5, which you'll notice if you watch the video is normally a graduate recital piece for percussionists. So the percussion instructor was rightly chuffed at having his crew play it... (the fun here: watch for the number of different instruments each of the percussionists gets to. The piece is subtle, and a blast)
Good times, and a good way to spend a couple hours.
I did get writing done, A Wolf in Taos Valley is up to about 1500 words. No clue yet where it's going, but that's the fun part of the story, figuring out where and what and who.
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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.