I've done a little more writing today, the current work's up over a thousands words now. A little bit slower start than the last couple, and it's probably one that will last through Monday or Tuesday. Very much fun, another sci-fi short, and one that sounds in my head like a novel-related story, but here short enough to tackle as a short. I don't know what the lead-in will be, but I'm fairly certain I'll stumble across it at some point. And the structure of the story itself is neat. It has me chuckling and writing, so that's cool.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
I'd done a little bit of fiction writing this morning, then I switched over to reading. Mostly just internet stuff. The posts I put up were my trying to organize my thoughts and store the articles's main themes in my head.
I've done a little more writing today, the current work's up over a thousands words now. A little bit slower start than the last couple, and it's probably one that will last through Monday or Tuesday. Very much fun, another sci-fi short, and one that sounds in my head like a novel-related story, but here short enough to tackle as a short. I don't know what the lead-in will be, but I'm fairly certain I'll stumble across it at some point. And the structure of the story itself is neat. It has me chuckling and writing, so that's cool.
I've done a little more writing today, the current work's up over a thousands words now. A little bit slower start than the last couple, and it's probably one that will last through Monday or Tuesday. Very much fun, another sci-fi short, and one that sounds in my head like a novel-related story, but here short enough to tackle as a short. I don't know what the lead-in will be, but I'm fairly certain I'll stumble across it at some point. And the structure of the story itself is neat. It has me chuckling and writing, so that's cool.
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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.