Thursday, January 17, 2019

Here's a thing I discovered in the past week. If you ever get into a car with lane assist, take a minute, when you can, to play with it.

Discovering how it feels for the lane assist to kick in when you're winding your way through curvy mountain overpasses in icy fog, with trucks and traffic and all the rest of the noise, is not the best way to learn the limits of the thing.

Short description is that it feels like under- or over-steer, depending on the circumstances. If you've every hydroplaned in the middle of a hard turn, you'll know what I mean.

Or, if you've ever driven short-track, dirt-track in a sprint or mini-sprint, you know that feeling? The one where you dive into the turn, with just the wrong amount of speed, and you have to trust to feel and instinct and God knows what else to balance the throttle and the wheel pressure?

Like that, only with none of the honed instinct that comes with trusting your car.

I'm fine, but for those first few seconds I wondered. Once I knew what was happening I could plan for it. But I suspect that, however many of one type of wreck are prevented, there are going to be new ones to go along with it. Probably fewer, but it's another thing to learn in the whole driving thing.

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