As mentioned yesterday, today was an off day for me to be away from the keyboard. A bit of running around for chores and such, so a day for me to take advantage of by giving my wrists a break.
Tomorrow, a light day, I've a few bookkeeping chores on the computer, and I'll put in some writing fiction time, but restrict it, Saturday as well but a little more, Sunday off again, and then ramp up slowly next day by day next week. It's pretty much the same sort of regime as I'd do for physical therapy or such.
So, any writers or programmers out there, listen to your body. If you wouldn't go out and try to run a marathon blind, know when your body's talking to you. This type of work doesn't necessarily have the sort of physical dangers that iron workers or loggers have, but that doesn't mean we're free and clear, either. If you lose your wrists, or back or elbows or whatever, you've lost your moneymakers, and it's a painful road to get them back.
I've been working with computers for a good long while now, and I had the chance to see my boss many years ago deal with a bad bout of tendinitis, so I learned what could happen if I didn't watch it, and most of all, learn when I need to pace myself in order to recover properly. It never hurts to take some time and think about how you might do it if you ever find yourself in the same boat.
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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.