Friday, September 24, 2021

Got To Keep Groovin'

I'm on the road for the day gig this week, and with plenty of time for Pandora to work overtime. Which always results in pleasant soundtrack, but a handful of tunes really popped into my head.

Stevie Wonder, I Wish

The Amazing Rhythm Aces, Who Will The Next Fool Be

Ella and Louis, They Can't Take That Away From Me

An then a song that didn't come via Pandora, but rather through internal trains of thought.

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, You Got Lucky (and no, I can't explain the visuals here, either. Other than that they're a delight of early 80's ridiculousness on par with Buckaroo Banzai...)

which, there's a little bit of a story there. In on particular long-gone relationship, as the cycle wound through and then to its inevitable end, I had three moments of clarity with respect to the lady in question, all of them musical, two of them direct and then the last indirect long after we'd parted our ways.

The second moment involved the song You Got Lucky, and that the lady in question didn't recognize the singer, to the point of asking "Who the hell are you listening to?" when Tom started singing.

The other two moments involved similar reactions to Prince and Bruce Springsteen. In retrospect, as much affection, friendship, and respect as I do still have for the lady, I kind of knew that we were better off taking different paths.

But this isn't about dragging. The point instead is that it's weird and strange and wonderful how we can react to songs (stories, art, moments) and incorporate them in ourselves. And in ways that show up long after for reasons that relate only nominally to the music, yet still rise up so incredibly when the notes march.

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.