Looking at the dates on posts, I've been busy away from the blog. Writing, yes,
I've a couple stories finished and I'm into my next longer story. The day gig's
been consuming me, I think. Which is one of the reasons I'm supposed to be writi
ng, I remind myself, leave the day gig at the job site and come home to work on
something more me.
Eh. I've been submitting stories to various markets, as well. I'm sure to get re
jections, that's part of the expectation, but stories sitting in folders on my c
omputer don't get anything but bit rot.
I've also been consumed in various bits and pieces of other things; the world of
stories, because my to-be-read pile grows continuously. Space-X is getting clos
er day by day with their launches, Boeing with a schedule slip isn't all that fa
r from throwing their test capsule to the station. They've imaged a black hole f
or the first time, using a network of telescopes linked across the globe.
And a fair seven billion other things, all of us a story every day. But that's w
hat crossed my eye today.
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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.