Saturday, October 30, 2021

Things That Have Been On My Mind Lately

Things That Have Been On My Mind Lately

Somewhere between this guitar solo (B.B. King, The Thrill Is Gone)

and this one (Slash in Guns N' Roses, November Rain, the first melodic solo)

I think there's a Pink Floyd solo, at least in my ear. And for Slash's second solo break here, there's a Screaming Jay Hawkins song that sticks in my ear for some reason.

Continuing something along those lines, somewhere between this (Alexis Korner and B.B. King, Alexis' Boogie)

and this (Steve Gibson's acoustic line on Reba McEntire's version of Fancy)

there's a story about how musicians play for each other. I'd love to know a bit more about how Steve's playing and Reba's singing were recorded, because it sounds to me like the production was layered around those two lines.

Other things on my mind this month? Well, since it's Halloween, I'm thinking about which horror movies folks are thinking about; I've also got a stack of horror stories built up in my to-read pile.

Horror fans have always had their own ways of getting their fix, I've been wondering how that will evolve with the new streaming world. Mostly we seem to have found our own paths again, at least as far as movies and such, with written works coming on fast now.

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.