Monday, March 23, 2020

State of the Working-From-Home Like Everyone Else Writer, March 2020 edition

Well, as long time readers might expect, I'm traveling a great deal less for the day gig these days. We're all at home and well, chronicling our ills and hoping this passes little by little.

I don't have much help for the blizzard of news, rumors, information. I keep up with the day to day of the Covid-19 as best I can, judging what may be and what might have been and what may yet come.

We're in the garden more than we have been. The schedule's not all that different; even in "regular" mode, whatever that meant, I work from home as often as not. The coronavirus difference, for us personally, is now even the daughter-unit is sharing time with cats and dogs and us.

And the roses. They are slowly admitting spring bloom season may be here. Two of them are current; the front yard rose had a late winter bloom, but he's resting at the moment.

Two of our backyard team have taken up the slack. The white one is behind chicken wire for her own protection. She's developing her talons well, though, and I expect by winter she'll be more than capable of defending herself against our random mutts and their desparate attacks.

The yellow rose, one of our two older backyard crew, I don't think will ever be entirely free of protective wire. She's a lady of refinement, her thorns are decorative.

On the other hand, her switch-blade wielding companion, yet to join the blooms, will also remain behind wire for the indefinite future. For our, and the dogs, protection, not hers. As you may notice, she's got the weapons and she knows well their power.

The day gig consumes time, even under the circumstances, but I have still managed to carve out writing and publication time. The free stories, once a week here, you've likely seen. Those are all set to continue; I'll also have new works showing up at the retail level.

Oh, before I forget: I have to thank Charles French and the Indies Unlimited crew for hosting their respective March 2020 book promotions pages. Follow those links if you're looking for a good new read!

Stay tuned, let your friends and enemies (but only the respectable enemies, the kind you'd sit down for a nice cuppa with, carefully eyeing the knives...) know if you enjoy what you read in my stories.

And most of all, dear reader, keep your loved ones close, and keep you and yours safe. It's a big bad world out there again, let's keep the monsters where they belong.

Between the covers of your favorite books...

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.