Nothing major to report today, other than that yesterday fell down a rabbit hole. Little things, quarterly tax stuff mostly, but otherwise an evening devoured by domesticity of the fiscal sort.
By the time I realized I hadn't posted anything, it was four in the morning and the alarm clock was threatening. So, a skipped day on the blog end of things, but not for lack of trying.
The good part, from my point of view, is that the story in progress, well, progressed, today and yesterday. Peace Offering is up to about 3900 words tonight. It's a little bit uphill at the moment. I think that's a voice thing; each story ahs its own rhythms and voice. Especially at the beginning of a longer work, where I am in my learning, a lot of my time at the keyboard initially is listening for it.
Where is this one going? is the standard question.
How? is the one I'm talking about. If there's an explicit narrator, who's she? Can I trust her? That's the explicit way voice shows up for me, just like listening to a conversation and hearing the accents, the word choice, how someone posits themselves.
No explicit narrator, and it's the same business, just more subtle. Does the point of view let each character through? Zoom up, pull back, maybe the story wants to be intimate here.
For all I know, I'm spouting gibberish. But it works for me. Especially down the road, if I spend the time up front, as the story develops, the rhythm and voice of it will evolve, but with the throughline that the story needs to make a whole, and it'll be under my fingers. At least, if I'm doing my part of the job right, and listening to what this particular story needs in order to be told.
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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.