A few posts back, I introduced our "blink and you missed it" lady, i.e. our yellow rose with her (and our) first real bloom of spring. She's now about two years old, had her first real pruning this winter. Her first couple of years, she picked up her nickname because her blooms go through their process about three times faster than her compadres in the garden.
Basically, we have one day to view her blooms in full glory. After that, they're gone with only the memory of wonder left.
Here's another view of her, where I've tried to capture at least some of the
She's not alone anymore in spring blooms. While none of our other roses have
leapt to join in the fun yet, we have a new blueberry this year, he'll be in
a container until next winter I think, but he's definitely joined in the fun
as you can see below.
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