Monday, December 30, 2024

And Jimmy Has Left Us

And Jimmy has left us

That this occurs as the most recent election and its consequences become clear is a prosaic accident.

That his person and personna highlight that the electorate just can't seem to hang with genuine people is... essentially American, I suppose. Consider that Truman hung on by the skin of his teeth. And that Bush Sr was kicked to the curb *by his own supporters* for the essential sin of attempting to balance the budget.

And now Joe suffers the wages of political sin. Of having cleaned up a mess which is now set to return fourfold.

We are not vouchsafed good grace on exit any more. Teddy Roosevelt demonstrated this, the once and future king simply perfected it for our fallen age. Jimmy suffered the essential inability to pass by without comment.

Which of course hastened his exit from office to begin with. That he shared initials with an animated conscience is... again, essentially American. And rewarded similarly.

The charity work should have been more than that Habitats for Humanity is recognized. But there are more should have beens. We now enter the age where more are employed in the renewable energy sector than in the oil and gas field. Such is Cassandra's fate.

I wonder now if we will have again someone in that office who can create, read, and build from an engineering drawing?

We've long since proven that those who have swung a hammer (or any other variety of idiot stick) for long enough to generate callouses need not apply.

Friday, October 6, 2023

How Your Correspondent Spent the Year So Far

How Your Correspondent Spent the Year So Far

Alternatively: Why so quiet?

The year began with a hangover. Normally, the holiday period at the day gig is quiet; everyone gears up for the new year by spending what vacation they've squirreled away. This year was different.

I had a couple of potential projects come up in that usually relaxing period. Then, the first few months of the year added to the pile. Every time I looked at my phone, it seems, another new project had landed on it.

Now, on the one hand, this is great. Job security is a thing, right? On the other hand, you start to look at the calendar, count up the hours and the days and wonder, hey, does anyone understand how much work these will take?

Let's back up. I spend my time at the intersection of science and engineering. I came from multi-discipline and to multi-discipline I go. I'm learning what it means to be a generalist. In many senses; development at several levels has entered the picture.

The research part is supposed to be a given. That's my baseline. It's also, I realize, the time that I need to protect, while still being available for the service aspect of the job.

The first five months of the year, I did my thing on more or less the usual schedule. One week on the road, one or two weeks at home. Since June though, it's been more of one month on the road, one month at home.

I say a month on the road, it's more complex than that. It's much more like being a touring musician, Monday through on the road, weekends at home. Then pile as much downtime at home as I can get for a month, rinse and repeat.

Some years ago, one of my mentors talked about daily practice. He meant it quite in the same sense as we both understood it as sometime musicians: there is a daily rhythm that needs to be there, of the practice of the work.

Out of rhythm, out of time, and shortly out of sorts on all kinds of axes. Personally, I'd love to be able to say "Hey, I learned that already" and not revisit it given all the other things I could be digging into.

I do myself and others a disservice when I think that way. So, in between and alongside, I've begun digging back into daily practice. I'm behind myself, but I can see a road ahead, or a trail, asking for footprints.

I also need to remind myself not to get a whole list of goals and dreams and things to add to my work. Otherwise I'll just bury myself in all of those pieces which I haven't been able to get to. There's enough of that already, no need to do it to myself.

One of the elements of generalization I'm working on is learning to be a novice again. The point, I remind myself, is not to be the expert. The point is to learn to talk to the experts, understand and collate and merge.

As ever, a work in progress.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

They Might Be Giants

waiting for the show to begin, and marveling at how so many in line for this show look and sound so much like we all did, lo' those many years ago when we first caught TMBG.
it's a good crowd all 'round, sold out and ready to roll.
a few board issues later, a good night was had by all...

Friday, April 28, 2023

A Confusion So Common

A Confusion So Common

Brad Delong expresses a type of confusion that is so common that it has its own literature. Specifically, he's worried that he doesn't understand what practitioners mean when they write out things using some of the tools of quantum mechanics. In particular, some of the quick and dirty algebraic manipulations that practicing physical scientists throw around when using that most mysterious of objects, the wave function.

It's always a good idea to go back and look at what's going on under the hood. First, remember the first rule: to the best of our understanding, the fundamental particles are all both wave and particle. Photon, electron, all the others, to any degree that we can measure, all are both tiny little particles. And they are waves.

So, anything we do to describe these particles must carry the same fundamental duality. A wave function that describes such an object must carry both particle and wave information, simultaneously, if it is to do its mathematical job. Otherwise, it's not up to the task.

So what then is the mathematical object we write as |A)? |A), our potential wave function, is a complex function. That is, it is a function of complex numbers. As such, the object (A| is the complex conjugate to |A). If these were real numbers, (A| would be the inverse of |A).

Which leads to the next object. (A|A) is a single, real number. Often, depending on normalization convention, as implied by the inverse or complex conjugate, (A|A) = 1.

If |A) were a relatively simple function, that by itself would be enough. But because of the first rule, it's a little more dramatic than that. (A|A) means then something more complicated than simply multiplying |A) by its complex conjugate. What it means more fully is, multiply |A) by its complex conjugate, then integrate the result. If A is a function of space and time, we integrate over space and time to get 1.

If A is a function of momentum and frequency, then we integrate over momentum and frequency. But the operations involved are the same. Multiply, and then integrate.

Of course, the first rule means that this isn't the end. |A) is also a matrix. And (A| is then the conjugate transpose of |A). In which case, (A|A) means multiply the matrix A by its conjugate transpose, which gives a matrix, and then take the trace of that resulting matrix. The trace is then a single number, usually 1 due to normalization.

This goes even further. |A) is also a field, and an operator. But that comes later.

First, let's talk about H. H, the Hamiltonian, is, for the particles we know of at least, a special function (operator, matrix, field) of its own. In particular, H|A), which means to take the operator H and act upon the function A, gives the energy of the system as E|A).

More specifically, if (A|H|A) means operate H on A, multiply the resulting matrix by the complex conjugate of A, and then integrate, then the result is E, the average energy of our particle. Or, in matrix language, multiply the matrix H by the matrix A, multiply the result by the conjugate transpose of A, and then take the trace. The result is E, the energy of the particle. (A|H|A) = E.

H, the Hamiltonian, is the operator which measures the energy of system. Or, alternatively, if we perform an experiment on a particle and measure its energy in a given experimental setup, then H is the theoretic function that we seek which, when operating on a test function, gives the same E as our experiment did. In which case, we speak of H as defining the system. There are other details about H.

One of them is that H also generates the dynamic information of a system, not just its average energy. That object looks like exp(iHt), where exp is the exponential, i is the imaginary number (i.e. square root of -1), and t is time. Then exp(iHt)|A) is the dynamic represenation of |A); alternatively, exp(iHt) acting on |A) generates |A(t)), the propagation of A into the future (or the past).

Either way, the algebra involved always looks like some version of (A|H|A), the multiplication of two matrices, followed by multiplication by the complex conjugate and taking the trace.

Now, let's go back to H|A) = E|A). H is an operator. E is a diagonal matrix of scalar, real numbers.

Or, to put it another, equivalent way, |A) is the matrix which diagonalizes the Hamiltonian. Thus, the wave function is an operator in and of itself. This is where a detailed linear algebra book, one that goes all the way through orthogonality, similarity and unitary transformations, and so on, begins. This is also where practitioners can get funny looks when people ask "what is the wave function?" In practical terms, the wave function here is "all of space", or more particularly any of a broad class of functions which measure (or span) space in a particular way. This is a particular generalization of the way in which position means "any real number" in the equations of classical physics. To ask after the "nature" of a wave function is to ask after the "nature" of numbers. They're the same thing, just written and collected in slightly different ways as needed for the use.

This property of A has some interesting side effects: A can have a simple, easy to write down structure for small scale systems. But that structure can be drastically different at larger scale. So much so that "two-level model" is either a curse or a blessing depending on area of work. Or the time of day, phase of the moon, color of the wine...

All of this is really back to the first rule. Which is that we have to keep track of both particle and wave nature simultaneously. Specifically, we have to deal with functions like A(r,k). r here is position, k is wave number (momentum with certain conditions). All of the notation is a reminder that we must always be careful about when, and in what order, we do something like B(r,k)A(r,k), a multiplication that could be over r, or k, or both, followed by an integration. Or a sum. If you write it out in detail, with full notation, it's tedious, painful, and you're guaranteed to lose track the farther into the work that you go.

Eventually, if you try and do everything in full detail at every stage of derivation, you are guaranteed to screw it up. So first Heisenberg, then Dirac, came up with different shorthand methods. Which just confuses things, because any of the notations can be written as any of the others. And, more unfortunately, Schrodinger's detailed methods involve so many elements that the shorthand has become the common method of representation even when their use confuses everyone involved, expert and non-expert alike.

This is the point where, if you've heard of it, the "shut up and calculate" school of thought stops, more or less. And, for all intents and purposes, that's sufficient. Assuming I haven't just made your confusion worse, the thumbnail description above gives the nuts and bolts elements. For many problems, there's not really any need to go any further.

But there are problems for which this explanation isn't enough. Feynman, Dyson, Bohm, all of them useful and, for some very significant problems, essential to go any farther. Who knows yet whether or how Many-Worlds will lead further, but it's one of the current cases where folks have tackled the basics again. There's always something there to think about anew.

And get confused over. Duality all the way up and down.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Penrose vs. einstein

A few thoughts on the new toy theoreticians just received...

This one is probably lost already: it's Penrose because named after a person. It's einstein because ein stein, not Einstein. Even odds that the original namers didn't even notice the pun until 2 or three others read the paper. Some of us aren't allowed to name our discoveries without adult supervision...

The Penrose tilings require multiple shapes. The ein stein requires only 1. This is where the magic lives. It's also going to be the "huh? But what about..." moment for a lot of the innocent.

Local repeats here are not periodicities; rather, they are similar to tossing multiple heads in a row with a fair coin. This is an area where visual intuition clashes with an algebra.

So how is this useful? Oh my word. Give us all time, every theorist has a bag full of toy models and questions to sort through at the moment, checking fit. In my old world, glasses liquids gasses and plasmas should all be getting checked over like a teenager with a hand me down car and a bucket full of paint.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Thus Machine Learning

Thus Machine Learning

Whence then the new way forward? I'm thinking what we're looking at is similar to when windowing operating systems came in, then the web, search engines, then yes finally Facebook and Twitter. What do all of these little twists and turns have in common?

Whatever else, each of these little steps gave people a way to interact with and through computers than they otherwise had. To use a computer prior to windowing OS's meant a blinking cursor that gave no information whatsoever. You had to ask someone to show you the way. Windows at least had a funny little pointer and some clicky responses. Same thing with the web versus the internet over telnet and BBS's. Yahoo and Google in turn made it possible to find more of these funny little visual objects.

Then Facebook and Twitter made it possible to talk to other people. Forums and blog comments, sure, but just like DOS and VAX and Unix all existed and were perfectly cromulent before Windows and MacOS...

Point being, machine learning systems give folks another route to interact with and via computer. It's already here: Siri, Google Home, they're useful as hell if you play with them. And of course I've hit the limits of what they'll let me get away with; if I find a way to trick the little beast into giving me voice access to its operating system, oh boy are we on our way. But I'll settle for what it has steadily grown more capable of.

The weird part being that, just as with all these other analogous steps, we'll see folks treating them as both bigger and smaller changes than they are. Bigger as in no, Francis, we're not any closer to Skynet today than yesterday; smaller as in discounting the flood of crap that's already being felt at short story markets. I've no doubt at all that there are plenty of quick-built autobooks on Amazon as we speak.

Some of these are better steps than you might think. If nothing else, form letters now might have a little personality. And yes this is a big help to folks who approach anything longer than a text message with anxiety (and that's far more people than care to admit it). Auto-complete a word-fragment or two at a time is distracting to me.

But I recognize well that there are many people for whom writing is a chore, at best. We're already living through a round of the "death of email", an accident of that text messages and tweets require a more terse approach. Yes it's somewhat of an irony that this will result in more email that doesn't get read or is misunderstood through clicking away halfway through the first paragraph, but what are you gonna do?

Visual artists may yet end up with something similar to Spotify and similar, some sort of clearing house approach with guaranteed pennies per month for access to train the latest and greatest art program. But there'll be pain to get there and no guarantees anyone would take the practical. Not to mention that there's apparently not even a hint of extending Discord or Getty Images to such a possibility. Just sue and pray.

Of writers I've my doubts that something similar could reach either proposal or acceptance. There's too large a gap between the haves and the have nots, and a waiting on my lottery ticket to pay off attitude among most of the have nots. Point being... nah, there's no point.

Will it stop you from writing? Or making art of any kind? That's the only answer that matters. Twenty years from now the kids will use it to create new forms of art. The current short story editors rejecting machine-written work out of hand are right to do so. Now.

Their successors will need to have different attitudes. Because the future writers certainly will. Can you imagine a radio station refusing to play music that has samples in it? That's where we're headed; I just wonder who's gonna blow up a stack of computers in Commiskey Park?

Actually, let me go ahead and say that point again: Sampling and re-mixing have been part of music for going on 60 years now (and yes it really did start with the Beatles, if only accidentally. The Who and then Pink Floyd circa Syd Barrett did it on purpose). If your playlist includes rap, contemporary music of pretty much all varieties, or electronic music of any era, you'd best be looking in the mirror before you dismiss machine-generated writing or visual art. Because it takes a lotta damn gall to hike up your skirt and start screaming now that they're coming for your art after musicians have been forced to accept the same phenomenon without recourse or acknowledgement from the rest of the art community. But I guess a little bit of hypocrisy goes a long way? Solidarity baby, at least for the write sort?

Of course I'm going to take that pot shot. The class snobbery at the heart of publishing (English language) is as viciously small-minded as it's ever been. Some few niches have been carved out for those who've taken advantage of the e-book opportunity; will they even now draw up the bridge behind them? Historically that's the way to bet. It's time to practice our sneers folks, it's always best to make sure the younger folks have ways to easily memorialize their elders. It's a sign of respect what what?

What about me? My biggest issue right now is that I'm struggling through a year of burnout and now recovery. The rise of machine learning is interesting for a variety of reasons; it means as little as to why I put my fingers to the keyboard as does programmed music for what I do with the guitars and other instruments sitting around the house, i.e. not a whole hell of a lot. Excepting inspiration of course, but that's a story of a different horse.