Friday, November 9, 2018

The past week has been the end of the marching season; our daughter has a few more committments yet that way, football season continues, but at least we are through the contests and extra rehearsals. The work beckons me; the voices that come from not writing and working as much as I'd hoped are building up. I've a backlog to work through, and I can't wait to get to it.

In minor celebration, here's a new story. About? Who knows, it jumped into my head and wouldn't let me go. Herein a story of a particular book, and the stories that go with it.

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Please keep it on the sane side. There are an awful lot of places on the internet for discussions of politics, money, sex, religion, etc. etc. et bloody cetera. In this time and place, let us talk about something else, and politely, please.